Summit + ALTACON Keynote Speakers

The ALPMA Program Committee are excited to have a range of industry leading individuals with a wealth of knowledge in Empowering People, Enabling Technology, Evolving Together.

Dr Jason Fox

Dr. Jason Fox is a wizard philosopher masquerading as a motivational speaker and leadership advisor. He works with clever teams seeking meaningful progress - beyond the default.

His many happy clients include the senior leadership teams for Fortune 500 companies around the world to other multinationals and university chancelleries, government agencies, software developers, decentralised autonomous organisations etc. Much of his work is as a leadership advisor to teams questing amidst complexity.

Jason has lectured at three universities (systems and behaviour) and is the bestselling author of The Game Changer and How to Lead a Quest. Despite his intentional ineptitude to any and all social media and marketing - his monthly "museletter" is read by more than 11,000 leaders around the world.

In addition to serving as a leadership adviser, Dr Fox is also a globally in-demand keynote speaker who works particularly well with senior leaders and sceptical audiences who have 'seen it all before'. In 2026 he was awarded "Keynote Speaker of the Year" by Professional Speakers Australia (the highest honour of this craft).

Dr. Fox lives with an illustrator-veterinarian, a chihuahua named Snorri and a cat called π in an old chocolate factory in Melbourne. When not liberating the world from the delusion of progress, Jason enjoyed partaking in extreme sports such as reading, sun-avoidance and coffee snobbery.

Alison Shamir

Previously the Executive Director of Legal Optimisation Consulting at MinterEllison, Mollie is now a strategic advisor, facilitator, coach, speaker and writer with a focus on the intersection of operations, technology people and change in the legal industry.

She is passionate about human centric strategy and clever ways of working, with a deep and abiding focus on the people at the heart of every legal team. She is allergic to ‘busy work’ and is deeply interested in improving the culture within the legal industry to reduce burnout and allow lawyers to thrive rather than just survive.

Mykel Dixon

Mykel Dixon is an award-winning speaker and author, master facilitator and recognised authority on creativity, culture and the human future of work. He works globally with a stellar cast of fortune 500 and ASX 200 listed companies who want to liberate themselves from boring work, bland events and beige bosses.

The jazz musician by trade, gypsy by nature, fierce non-conformist and prolific anti-perfectionist, Myke leads a new wave of conscious, creative business leaders who strive to make work feel more like play, teams feel more like family, and organisations feel more like festivals of possibility.

In 2018 he was named Australia's break through speaker of the year (by the Professional Speakers Association) and in 2021, his second book 'Everyday Creative' was named the #1 leadership book in the country by the esteemed Australian Business Book Awards.

Blending his unique career and life experience, an obsession for audience participation and a magnetic stage presence, Myke's live learning experiences are unrivaled. Fusing live music, spoken-word poetry, visual storytelling and spontaneous audience interaction. Just like that time you were upgraded to first class, once you've experienced a Mykel Dixon anything, it's hard to go back to coach.

Stephen McGown

Stephen McGown was abducted by AI Qaeda up in North Africa while riding a motorcycle from London down to South Africa in 2011. He was held for 5 years 8 months and released towards the end of 2017. He held the record for being the longest held surviving AI Qaeda Hostage in the world.

Prior to Stephen's abduction, he was married for 4 years. His abduction separating him from his wife, family and friends for almost 6 years. The over lying theme of his talk is the importance of Self-Awareness and Self-Ownership. He believes if you know who you are, your strengths, weaknesses and what defines you, there is literally nothing that can stop you having an exceptional and fulfilling life. He was kidnapped as a tourist without the skills to survive, all his learning were self-taught through trial and error.

Mollie Tregills

Previously the Executive Director of Legal Optimisation Consulting at MinterEllison, Mollie is now a strategic advisor, facilitator, coach, speaker and writer with a focus on the intersection of operations, technology people and change in the legal industry.

She is passionate about human centric strategy and clever ways of working, with a deep and abiding focus on the people at the heart of every legal team. She is allergic to ‘busy work’ and is deeply interested in improving the culture within the legal industry to reduce burnout and allow lawyers to thrive rather than just survive.

Pre Summit Workshop Presenters

The Pre-summit workshops will be held on Wednesday, 11 September 2024.

Annie Haggar

Annie Haggar is the founder and principal of Cyber GC - a legal and consulting firm dedicated to helping businesses prepare, defend and respond to cybersecurity threats.

Annie is a multi-award-winning cybersecurity lawyer. She spent 12 years as legal counsel for one of the world’s largest companies, including 6 years as global legal lead for its managed security business, now one of the largest cybersecurity companies in the world. She has 20 years of experience advising government and private sector clients in technology law, enterprise security risk, procurement security considerations, global security regulation, and cybersecurity risk in mergers and acquisitions.

Leanne Shelton

Leanne Shelton is an international ChatGPT trainer, keynote speaker, and human copywriter.

With her 9-year-old SEO copywriting agency, Write Time Marketing, struggling to convert in a tough economic climate, Leanne made the ultimate business pivot in May 2023. She decided to embrace (not escape) her shiny, new, and free competitor, ChatGPT.

Leanne quickly became a sought-after keynote speaker for summits and conferences, with multiple requests to run webinars, workshops, one-on-one sessions, and in-house organisational training. She now runs 'The AI DIY Club' membership, offering small business owners a safe space to explore and experiment with AI tools and prompts every week. All AI-related offerings now come under the umbrella of Leanne's new business, HumanEdge AI Training.

Featured in The Australian, ABC News, 6PR Perth Radio, and various podcasts, Leanne is recognised as an AI Expert by LinkedIn Australia editors and Kate Toon's Digital marketing Collective Membership. In addition, she hosts 'The AI Train' Podcast (formerly co-hosted with Tim King).

Outside of work life, Leanne is a newly converted running enthusiast, lover of dance, occasional yogi and meditator, engrossed reader of business books and psychological thrillers, a dedicated wife, and frazzled mum to two daughters.


Tessa Van Duyn

Tessa is a leading human rights and public law expert with over 15 years' experience providing expert legal and strategic solutions. Previously head of the legal team at the Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission, Tessa joined Moores to continue her commitment to social justice, equality and inclusion. Tessa brings to Moores a strong record in governance support, developing collaborative partners and leading innovative projects to be impactful and effect social change. As a skilled litigator Tessa enjoys advocating for her clients in a  variety of tribunal and court settings. She held resolve complex discrimination and administrative law disputes - but she adds the most value by helping her clients to avoid litigation in the first place. Tessa Van Duyn thrives on building successful relationship. She is know for being a talented leader and people manager, with a focus on enabling people to bring their best to work.

Opening Address

Stephen Van Dorp

Stephen Van Dorp is a finance and operations executive with extensive professional service experience. He had 15 years of experience working within a chartered accounting firm, before moving out of public practice and into the corporate accounting world, primarily working in professional service firms for the last 15 years.

Key Dates

Call for Abstracts Closes
Thursday, 21 March 2024

Early Bird Registration Available
April 2024

Early Bird Registration Closes
Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Standard Registration Available
Thursday, 11 July 2024

Registration Cancellation Cut-off
Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Standard Registration Closes
Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Late Registration Applies
Thursday, 22 August 2024

Wednesday, 11 September

2024 ALPMA Summit Opens
Thursday, 12 September

2024 ALPMA Summit Closes
Friday, 13 September 2024

Summit Convener

Australasian Legal Practice Management Association (ALPMA)

The Australasian Legal Practice Management Association, (ALPMA), is the peak body representing managers and lawyers with a legal practice management role. Our purpose is to educate, promote, and develop legal practice management skills and thought leadership knowledge within the legal industry.

Conference Secretariat

GEMS Event management Australia

ABN 30 615 654 629

Contact Us

For all registration and accommodation inquiries call +61 2 9744 5252 or email: 


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