Call for Abstracts

On behalf of the Summit Program Committee, we invite you to participate as a presenter at the 2024 ALPMA Summit to be held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre from 11 – 13 September 2024.

The theme for this year's Summit is Empowering People, Enabling Technology, Evolving Together.

This year, the ALPMA Summit will also incorporate the ALTACON Conference on the first day of the program (Wednesday, 11 September). ALPMA is working in partnership with the Australian Legal Technology Association (ALTA) to structure this first day of content. Presenters are invited to submit session proposals for both the ALTACON program and the ALPMA Summit program through this application process. 

Submissions are invited to address any content areas relevant to legal practice management including financial management, operational/workflow efficiencies, business development & marketing, human resources and people capabilities, strategy, information technology, AI and personal and professional skill development.

Submissions are open until Thursday, 21 March 2024.

Who is Attending?

On average the 3-day ALPMA Summit attracts over 500 delegates, comprised of practitioners across all aspects of law firm management and legal departments in Australasia including:

- Senior law firm and legal department leaders - including Practice Managers, Managing Directors/Partners, CEOs, COOs, CIOs, CFOs and General Managers.

- Specialist law firm managers and administrators including HR Directors, HR Managers, People & Culture Leads, Accountants and Finance specialists, IT specialists, Business Development and marketing.

- Sole Practitioners, Solicitors, Barristers, Associates and In-house Corporate and Government Legal Counsel.

Types of Submissions

The Summit Program Committee aim to create a program that is interactive in nature and provides tangible and practical key learning outcomes for each session. As part of your submission, please outline the best format for your session including, but not limited to:

- Interactive Workshops
- Lecture
- Panel
- Oral Presentation
- Case Study
- Social Activity

Program Streams

The program committee is interested in receiving submissions that help answer these 3 core questions:

1- Empowering People: What are the key skills required personally and professionally to remain competitive now and into the future?

2- Enabling Technology: How will these skills allow firms to successfully enable technology?

3- Evolve Together: What are the predictions for how the profession can evolve together to remain successful now and into the future?

Key Dates

Abstracts Close
Thursday, 21 March 2024

Presenter Notifications Sent by
End of May 2024

Program Launch
Monday, 3 June 2024

Final PowerPoint Presentations Due
Friday, 6 September 2024

Summit Dates
Wednesday, 11 to Friday, 13 September 2024

Key Dates

Call for Abstracts Closes
Thursday, 21 March 2024

Early Bird Registration Available
Monday, 3 June 2024

Early Bird Registration Closes
Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Standard Registration Available
Thursday, 11 July 2024

Registration Cancellation Cut-off
Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Standard Registration Closes
Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Late Registration Applies
Thursday, 22 August 2024

Wednesday, 11 September

2024 ALPMA Summit Opens
Thursday, 12 September

2024 ALPMA Summit Closes
Friday, 13 September 2024

Summit Convener

Australasian Legal Practice Management Association (ALPMA)

The Australasian Legal Practice Management Association, (ALPMA), is the peak body representing managers and lawyers with a legal practice management role. Our purpose is to educate, promote, and develop legal practice management skills and thought leadership knowledge within the legal industry.

Conference Secretariat

GEMS Event management Australia

ABN 30 615 654 629

Contact Us

For all registration and accommodation inquiries call +61 2 9744 5252 or email: 


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