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2025 Pre-Conference workshops

The Stormwater Victoria 2025 will comprise the option of three full-day pre-conference workshops; Bioretention 101, Navigating Climate Change: Capacity Building Workshop for a Resilient Future and Aquatic Plants for Constructed Wetlands.

Bioretention 101

This special-offer Clearwater training is designed to provide participants with a holistic understanding of key considerations to successfully design, construct and maintain bioretention assets.  The course synthesises content from Clearwater’s Construction Hold Points training and Maintenance of WSUD Assets Training with new biofiltration design content to address and build understanding across the full lifecycle of biofiltration assets.

Learning outcomes

By attending this workshop, participants should be able to:

·       Articulate the basic concepts of bioretention systems – why we’re building them, their function and key components, how they support water sensitive urban design and broader benefits

·       Understand principles for designing bioretention systems – key success factors, challenges, and corresponding design solution approaches

·       Understand common WSUD construction issues and how to avoid or mitigate them

·       Better understand maintenance needs and how good design influences long-term outcomes.


Anyone responsible for the planning, design, construction or maintenance of bioretention systems. Early career professionals – including engineers, urban designers, landscape architects, environmental specialists and asset managers – may find the workshop particularly useful to gain insights into the end-to-end process to improve asset planning and design.


Jamie Comley

Jamie is an Environmental Engineer, Urban Planner and Geographer who has worked in sustainable water management for over 20 years. His experience encompasses a breadth of strategic, policy, technical, research, engagement and land-use planning aspects associated with implementation of integrated water management (IWM), water sensitive urban design (WSUD) and urban sustainability. With extensive experience working across urban and rural water corporations (including Melbourne Water), Clearwater, local government and large consulting firms, Jamie has run his own IWM consulting business since 2013. Naturally collaborative and with a big-picture view, Jamie is passionate about improving sustainability and liveability outcomes for our community.


The cost of the full day workshop includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.  A copy of the Guidelines will be provided electronically for all attendees. 

Stormwater VIC and Partner Member: $675 

Non Member: $775 

Aquatic Plants for Constructed Wetlands 

Aquatic plants are an integral component of stormwater treatment wetlands, and they are fundamental to their performance. This workshop will detail how plants provide the treatment services, and the conditions required for their ongoing health. Information on key aquatic plant species will be provided with a site visit to two wetlands to observe and identify them in the field. Participants will gain knowledge on aquatic plants to enable improved wetland design and maintenance programs.


David Carew

David is an ecologist with expertise in wetlands, vegetation assessment and landscape management for ecological and biodiversity outcomes. He has worked across non-profit, private and government sectors for more than 30 years providing policy/ project natural resource management advice, ecological input to designs and stormwater asset management. His professional focus is on wetland design and management, aiming to deliver healthy aquatic vegetation for biodiversity and stormwater treatment outcomes.


The cost of the full day workshop includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.  Notes will be provided for all attendees. 

Stormwater VIC and Partner Member: $775 

Non Member: $875 

Navigating Climate Change: Capacity Building Workshop for a Resilient Future 

This one-day workshop will explore the impact of climate change on stormwater management in Victoria and Australia, aiming to build capacity, enable collaboration and promote greater understanding of adaptation strategies. Participants will explore the impacts of climate change, such as increased rainfall intensity, flooding, urban heat, and drought, on existing stormwater systems and floodplains. The workshop will highlight adaptive strategies, climate-smart planning and updated policies, to improve resilience. The presentations will be supported by case studies, and interactive discussions and attendees will gain valuable insights into enhancing stormwater management practices and fostering collaboration across local governments, developers, and communities to build a more sustainable and climate-resilient future.


Jessica Ward & Jacob Meehan 

Jessica and Jacob are leading experts in integrating climate adaptation strategies into stormwater design and integrated water management. With extensive experience collaborating with diverse stakeholders across Victoria, they excel in delivering capacity-building initiatives and facilitating workshop-style sessions that foster meaningful collaboration and knowledge sharing.


The cost of the full day workshop includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.  Notes will be provided for all attendees. 

Stormwater VIC and Partner Member: $750 

Non Member: $850 

Key Dates

Call for Abstracts Closes
Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Early Bird Registration Closes
Thursday, 27 March 2025

Standard Registration Available
Friday, 28 March 2025

Standard Registration Closes
Thursday, 22 May 2025

Conference Dates
Monday, 2 June  - Thursday, 5 June 2025

Conference Convener

Stormwater Victoria


Conference Secretariat

GEMS Event Management Australia

ABN 30 615 654 629

Contact us 
For all registration and accommodation inquiries call
02 9744 5252 or email: registration@gemsevents.com.au

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