2024 Call for Abstracts

The 2024 Call For Abstracts has now closed. On behalf of the 2024 AASE/WAESPAA Conference Committee, we would like to thank all of those who submitted an abstract for consideration into the 2024 Program.  

Key Dates

Early Bird Registration Available
Tuesday, 6th February 2024

Early Bird Registration Closes
Friday, 31 May 2024

Standard Registration Available
Saturday, 1 June 2024

Standard Registration Closes
Tuesday, 29 August 2024

Conference Dates
Wednesday, 4  - Friday, 6 September 2024

Conference Convenor

The Australian Association of Special Education (AASE) is a broad-based non-categorical association concerned with all who have special education needs. 

Western Australian Education Support Principals and Administrators Association (WAESPAA) is a professional association representing the interests of the Education Support sector in all schools.

Conference Secretariat

GEMS Event Management Australia 
30 615 654 629

Contact us 
For all registration and accommodation inquiries call
02 9744 5252 or email: registration@gemsevents.com.au

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