Phil Duncan

Senior Aboriginal Consultant, Alluvium Consulting

Phil Duncan is from Moree New South Wales and is a member of the Gomeroi Nation. His homelands are Moree and Terry Hie Hie. Phil has over 40 years’ experience working with Aboriginal people and government to improve the lives of Aboriginal people through recognition of our rich cultural history, the return of our lands, the improvement of our living conditions and education of our next generation through both his employment and active volunteer community work. Phil provides high level policy and strategic advice and leadership to key Indigenous Representative Organisations, Universities, State and Federal government agencies as well as key external stakeholder groups. His strategic advice, leadership and engagement is around issues of culture and heritage significance, community engagement in on-ground projects, as well as the design, delivery and implementation of programs in partnership with government.

 Phil has made significant contributions in a variety of domains from education and organisational reconciliation action through to areas of focus such as natural resource management, freshwater river management, forestry, native fish, water rights and allocations. He is active in managing and maintaining connections and representing and understanding different viewpoints which can be applied to creating trusting and collaborative relationships and seeks to enhance the voices of Traditional Owners in Landcare and management via the integration of Cultural Science into the Western Scientific frameworks and models.

Industry affiliations:

Murray Darling Basin Authority – Basin Community Committee – First Indigenous Chair
NSW Natural Resource Access Regulator - Board Member – First Indigenous Board Member
CSIRO - Indigenous Strategic Advisory Council (ISAC) – 3rd Term
Australian Freshwater Science Society – Nation Indigenous Executive
Watertrust Australia Ltd – Influencing Advisory Committee, Indigenous member
Griffith University – Award of Doctor of the University


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