Discounted accommodation rates with the Hyatt Hotel Canberra are now sold out. We have created a list of hotels below within a short drive of the Hyatt Hotel Canberra. Click on the hotel name to visit their website and view available rates.
Single Occupancy (incl 1 Buffet Breakfast per night) - $280
Double Occupancy (incl 2 buffet breakfasts per night) - $314
Twin Occupancy (incl 2 buffet breakfasts per night) - $314
All accommodation accounts are payable net 21 days from date of invoice. If you are booking within 60 days of your arrival, you are required to settle your account in full before your booking can be confirmed with the hotel.
Accommodation Cancellations made after Monday, 19th August, 2019 will incur a cancellation fee equal to 100% of the total accommodation fee. No refunds will be made for non attendance and any unpaid accommodation fees will still be payable.
Should you require accommodation at the Hyatt Hotel Canberra, please contact GEMS Event Management on +61 29744 5252 or via email to
If you have an existing booking at the Hyatt Hotel Canberra and require changes, please also contact GEMS Event Management on +61 2 9744 5252 or via email to Keep in mind the cancellation policy outlined above.
Should you have any questions regarding accommodation for the 2019 CDAA National Conference, please contact the Conference Organisers on +61 2 9744 5252 or via email at
Australian National University is a world-leading university in Australia’s capital. Excellence is embedded in their approach to research and education.
CDAA is Australia’s cross-sectoral community of career development practitioners, with members in every state and territory and across all sectors of the profession.
GEMS Event Management Australia is the Professional Conference Organiser (PCO) for the 2019 CDAA National Conference.
Ⓒ GEMS Event Management Australia Pty Ltd 2019