The NSW Special Education Principals' and Leaders' Association (SEPLA) are excited to invite you to attend SEPLA-CON 2023 to be held at the ICC Sydney on Monday, 17th and Tuesday, 18th July.  

Our theme for SEPLA-CON 2023 is: 'Change, Challenge, Choice' 

We believe this year’s theme reflects the changes to our system and evolving initiatives, the challenges we have and will face, and the choices we can make.  This theme will not only provide an opportunity to build on existing knowledge and practice but look at the reality of what we do and how we support ourselves and our profession.

We look forward to welcoming you to SEPLA-CON 2023.

Matthew Johnson

President - NSW Special Education Principals' and Leaders' Association
National President - Australian Special Education Principals' Association


Specialist settings are being recognised more than ever before as a valued part of the suite of provisions that support the complexity and variety of student needs in NSW.

So many changes are occurring such as restrictive practices policies and guidelines, student and parent experience initiatives, disability advocacy by external agencies, funding, covid ILSP and so much more. Mapping change and being able to make sense of so many interlocking initiatives work in our schools will require all of us to develop smarter and more sustainable ways of managing change. We aim to have keynotes and workshops that look at change management in a holistic and practical way to support us all at this time.


A challenge can mean many things to many people. Challenges can be provocative, and stressful but also the spark that can lead to new thinking, new solutions and new ways of being.

Our speakers, keynotes and workshops will also focus on challenges, but not just from our usual education think-tank but also from a broader social and world context. The challenges in education at present are heavily affected by external changes such as the Disability Royal Commission and various other governmental inquiries. How we manage and adapt to challenges is key to our success and we hope that the speakers will provide provocations and simple approaches that can support us all in our day to day work.


Choice can mean many things, from command decisions, which can only be made by you, delegated decisions, which may be made by anyone, avoided decisions, where the outcome could be so bad that the choice should not be made, and simple decisions that are a given.

As we know, much of what happens to us in our schools and settings is beyond our choosing, but how we choose to react and integrate these external forces into our work and to make this achievable and sustainable is heavily dependent on our choices.

The conference aims to have speakers talk about choice, how we make choices and how we can become more effective and intuitive choices in our work and lives generally. 

Key Dates

Call for Abstracts Available
Wednesday, 8th March 2023

Early Bird Registration Available
Friday, 17th March 2023

Early Bird Registration Closes
Friday, 5th May 2023

Standard Registration Available
Saturday, 6th May 2023

Standard Registration Closes
Monday, 3rd July 2023

Conference Opens
Monday, 17th July 2023

Conference Closes
Tuesday, 18th July 2023

Conference Convenor


The Special Education Principals and Leaders Association of New South Wales (SEPLA) provides support to all special education leaders in public schools across NSW.

SEPLA advocates for the learning conditions of our students and the teaching conditions in which our teachers provide educational programs.

Conference Secretariat

GEMS Event Management Australia

ABN 30 615 654 629

Contact us 
For all registration and accommodation inquiries call
02 9744 5252 or email:

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