
Dr Jim Whittle

Jim Whittle is Neuro Oncologist at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (PeterMac) and joint-head of the Brain Cancer Research Laboratory at WEHI. Jim’s research expertise and reputation are built on a deep understanding of basic biology, the development of patient-derived models for drug discovery, and clinical translation. His clinical research focuses on implementing novel Phase 0 (Perioperative) clinical trials, having secured multiple competitive grants in the past three years to support this work.

An emerging leader in the field of Neuro Oncology, Jim has an established institutional and national profile, serving on the management committee and chairing the Outreach and Education Committee for the Cooperative Group for Neuro Oncology (COGNO), as well as participating in various committees within the Society of Neuro Oncology (SNO). In 2023, Jim was appointed Co-Director of Research Strategy at the Brain Cancer Centre (Melbourne) and sits on the research advisory committee for the Mark Hughes Foundation Centre for Brain Cancer Research.

Reflecting a commitment to improving patient outcomes, Jim co-leads a team with Prof. Kate Drummond (RMH) developing an online survivorship platform https://braintumoursonline.org/ to provide reliable information, self-care tools, and a supportive community for Australians affected by brain tumours. He also focussed on improving the transition of care for paediatric patients with brain tumours into the adult setting and increasing equity of access for Adolescents and Young Adults (AYAs) with brain tumours to enrol on clinical trials

Session: Current Challenges and Future Hopes for CNS Tumours in AYA: The View from Both Paediatric and Adult Oncology 

Date: Thursday 5 December 

Time: 3.30 pm to 5.00 pm

Key Dates

Early Bird Registration Closes
Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Standard Registration Available
Thursday, 1 August 2024 

Congress Commences 
Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Congress Concludes
Friday, 6 December 2024

Conference Convenor

Conference Secretariat

GEMS Event Management Australia

ABN 30 615 654 629

Contact Us

For all registration and accommodation enquiries call +61 2 9744 5252 or email ayacongress@gemsevents.com.au

The 6th Global Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Congress is supported by funding from the Australian Government under the Youth Cancer Services Initiative. 

The Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Global Accord acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Custodians of this land. We pay respect to Elders past, present and future. 

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