Welcome to the Australian Association of Special Education Online Membership Portal

As you complete the details on each page, click 'Next' to proceed to the next section.

New Membership 

If this is your first time accessing the AASE Membership Portal, please click the 'Create a new member account' tab below. You are required to enter your email address, create and confirm a password and then press the 'Next' button in the bottom right corner of the screen to continue. Please note that passwords used previously for other AASE portals have not been transferred to this portal and all new members must create a new account.

PLEASE NOTE: For each new membership, you must create a unique login and each member will require a unique email address and password.  Pass

Updating Your Existing Membership?

If you are already a member of AASE, you can update your contact details through this portal.  To made edits to your membership record, please click the 'Sign in with your existing account' tab below. You are required to enter your email address and password used when you joined, and then press "Next" in the bottom right corner of the screen.  If you do not have a user login, please email office@aase.edu.au to amend your membership details.  

Please note: Membership can be paid by credit card, purchase order or direct debit through this portal.