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Abstract Submission Portal Sign In

Thank you for your interest in presenting at the 2025 Stormwater Victoria Conference. The Conference will be held on Tuesday, 3 and Wednesday, 4 June 2025, in Victoria. 

Please ensure you have read all the information within the Abstract Submission Guidelines before submitting your abstract.
If this is your first time accessing the 2025 Stormwater Victoria Conference abstract submission portal, you will need to create an account via the 'Create New Account' button below.  Please note:  Accounts setup for previous Stormwater Victoria conferences have not been transferred to this portal.
If you have already created an abstract account for the 2025 Conference, please sign in with your email address and password. If you have forgotten your password, please click here Reset My Password  Please note that passwords used for previous Stormwater Victoria conferences are not valid in this portal.

If you need any assistance with the abstract portal, please contact GEMS Event Management Australia on + 61 2 9744 5252 or via email on registration@gemsevents.com.au.

Please note: The Abstract Submission Portal is compatible with most browsers but optimised for Google Chrome.

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