Invitation to attend the 2024 Stormwater Victoria Conference
The Conference Organising Committee invite you to join us at the 2024 Stormwater Victoria Conference, with the theme of ‘Advocacy, Adaptation and Action'. The Conference will be held at the Silverwater Resort, San Remo on Tuesday, 4 and Wednesday, 5 June 2024, with an optional Workshop Day planned for Monday, 3 June and optional Technical Tour planned for Thursday, 6 June 2024.
Stormwater Victoria recognises the need to continue growing and developing our skills within the stormwater industry to drive positive changes towards sustainable water management now and for the future. We have big challenges ahead of us and are optimistic that together we can achieve sustainable forms of water management.
DEECA’s Regulatory Priorities 21-22, states that Victoria’s natural environment is a “dynamic system, constantly undergoing and responding to change in the short and longer-term”.
Population growth, the corresponding increase in human activities, and climate change continue to be the driving factors for environmental pressures. This is particularly relevant with the Bureau of Meteorology having just declared that both an El Nino event and a positive Indian Ocean Dipole are active, increasing the severity of rainfall deficiencies, fire danger and extreme temperatures. This follows hot on the heels of some of the worst flooding in the state’s history.
By working collaboratively, advocating for resilience, and adapting to change we can ensure that communities can better prepare for and respond to the complex challenges posed by climate change and urban development. This will allow us to safeguard both the environment and public health.
In this spirit, we are excited to introduce our 2024 Conference streams with you and look forward to exploring them together:
Imagine - Advocating for a Sustainable Future
The Times They Are A-Changin’ – Adapting to Uncertain Times
Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now - Taking Action
Full Circle – Designing to Maintaining and Operating
Alison Rickard
Conference Convenor
2024 Stormwater Victoria Conference